abeMeda, NeoFinder and Datainer
abeMeda and NeoFinder were always all about making your data
storage life easier.
Now we went just another step, and we can help you with storing
your actual physical media, too.
End-to-end archiving solutions from abeMeda, NeoFinder and
The latest versions of abeMeda and NeoFinder – for years one of the
most remarkable professional cross-platform media management
solutions – now also offer 2D barcode-based catalogue data
management and printing.
The markers of cataloged media (hard disks, SSDs, flashcards...)
can now be printed as scannable barcodes and plain text on widely
available labels applied to the physical media, thus turning piles
of anonymous hard disks, etc. into easily browsable media
Datainer represents the practical “hardware environment”: this
modular, expandable storage system provides safe, secure and
easy-access storage for virtually all media formats – and it’s
barcode compatible: the barcode labels can be scanned through the
translucent front flaps.
The icing on the cake for users of the latest version (iOS 1.9) of
NeoFinder for iPhone and iPad is the ability to scan barcodes and
instantly display the contents of catalogued media: this saves time
locating films, images, documents and other data.
How does this work?
abeMeda now offers a barcode for each catalog; you can grab the
barcode from the catalogs’ properties, and print it on a label of
your choice, or you can include the barcodes in different export
formats. Once you have attached those barcodes to your media and
discs, they are thus linked to the catalog data in abeMeda and
NeoFinder, and can then be found and their content inspected by
scanning the barcode via NeoFinder for iPhone and iPad.
The NeoFinder online Users Guide has even more information about
Press photos:
TIFF (about 50 MB each)